How to Succeed at Corporate Wellness Programs

Your Health(y) Business, Episode II

At Movement Rx we’ve been able to succeed at corporate wellness program delivery with the biggest and smallest of clients in the San Diego area for almost three years. During that time, we have not only learned what companies want out of a wellness program, we’ve learned how to balance our own wellness from a personal and professional standpoint

Why are we talking about Succeeding at Corporate Wellness on our Your Health(y) Business show?  For starters, if you run a health or fitness business, Corporate Wellness (aka worksite wellness, workplace health and wellness, organizational well-being, etc) presents an amazing opportunity to use your skills to help a different segment of your community in a way that’s typically more profitable than your normal clinic or fitness center business model.  If you are in HR, benefits, Total Rewards, or management, you recognize the toll that poor employee health has on business health. 

We’ve seen enormous changes both directly through our Workplace Well-Being services and indirectly through our Partner Plus program. 

Your Health(y) Business is what we have learned at the intersection of our health business, the health of that business, and our personal health as business owners.

Why You Should Care About Succeeding at Corporate Wellness

If you’re in fitness, healthcare, or a musculoskeletal health professional then you should care about succeeding at corporate wellness. And we’re going to show you why and how you can start doing it today!

Our two main goals?  First, to help benefits coordinators provide employees access to wellness education and training.  Secondly, to help fitness professionals and healthcare practitioners facilitate this training and education in their communities.

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Healthcare First Line of Defense

We believe the front line of healthcare is where people spend the most time…in the workplace.  The folks best able to establish sustainable beachheads on this front line are what we call retail health and fitness professionals – physical therapists, chiropractors, fitness professionals, and even PCPs.

If we can come together and create low-cost, accessible tools that actually work, we have the opportunity to implement daily habits in the lives of people and create actual change. This starts in the workplace and if we can do this, we give our entire economy an actual chance at sustainability.

The specifics of that statement on the economy we’ll have to leave for another show, but let’s at least address this at a macro level.

Rates of pre-disease and disease states are increasing, yet there are little to no incentives for cost-effective, quality healthcare.  To illustrate: 

  • Obesity is skyrocketing. In 1990, no U.S. state had more than a 15% obesity rate. By 2003, no state had LESS than a 15% obesity rate.  In 2017, only Colorado had LESS than a 25% obesity rate.  There’s a frightening chart HERE.  Obesity plays an enormous role in so many diseases, including cancer, and simply putting someone on a diet is NOT the answer to this problem (50% of all dieters are an average of 11 pounds heavier than their starting diet weight 5 years later, not to mention the questionable nutritional choices of many diets).
  • Stress is at an all-time high.  Millennials are the most stressed generation ever measured (some reasons why are detailed here). And as we know, stress over time is another major factor in long-term disease states including heart disease, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, constant inflammation and joint pain, colds, obesity, slower healing, sleep dysfunction, heart disease, depression, and GI issues.

If left to their own devices, most people do nothing until something goes kaput.  They’re reactive.  People need convenience.  They need easy.  At Movement Rx we’ve learned of the importance of being IN FRONT of someone in order for them to take action on their health.

And that’s just ONE OF THE REASONS why you should care about Corporate Wellness.

To hear Dr. T’s Top 5 Lessons Learned From Delivering Corporate Wellness Programs, check out this video clip from episode 2 of Your Health(y) Business!

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