Healthcare and Fitness Partnerships

Your Health(y) Business, Episode V

If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. – Old African Proverb

Partnerships in healthcare and fitness are vital but are often completely disconnected. We’re huge advocates for integrating healthcare fields and even bigger advocates for integrating healthcare and fitness.

But finding the right partnerships can be hard! We’ve done our fair share in the past, and some have been successful and some not.

How to Succeed

Statistics show that between 40-70% of joint ventures fail.  And those statistics are from board rooms and corporations who, in theory, should know how to make partnerships work.

So how do small businesses with little, to no, experience and minimal resources, make partnerships work?

On this episode we’re talking all about our experience with Healthcare and Fitness Partnerships and sharing our top 10 lessons for creating sustainability and success. We’ve taken our experience with partnerships and built a program specifically designed for healthcare and fitness businesses called the Partner Plus Program.

In that program, we’ve compiled a vast database of business, clinical, and marketing insights to help you take you become the place for long-term health and fitness in the community! Check it out on our Partner Plus page if you’re interested in learning more.

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The Top 5 Things I Learned from Fitness and Healthcare Partnerships

Here are Dr. T’s Top 5 Lessons from Creating Fitness and Healthcare Partnerships

#5: Partnerships connect the community. Rather than staying within the 4 walls of the clinic – our little bubble – partnerships get our team out into the community.  This is great for exposure, it’s great for employee longevity and happiness, it creates skill-building opportunities, and helps reinforce what we all crave in live – COMMUNITY.

#4: Partnerships enable better service for the individual member or patient. As physical therapists, our patients benefit TREMENDOUSLY from awareness of what they’re doing in the gym, in their running club, in their daily work life, etc.

#3: As healthcare professionals, partnerships have exposed us to so many other avenues besides 1-on-1 patient care. That’s exciting and fosters creativity amongst the team.

#2: Partnerships create a way to bridge the systemic gap between health and fitness. It comes down to communication at the local level, between health and fitness professionals.  Informal conversations are one thing but formalizing that flow of information through a form of partnership moves the needle so much more.

#1: Partnerships are the BEST way to expand your impact as a professional.

If you have any thoughts on partnerships as they pertain to healthcare and fitness, let us know about them!

To hear Per’s Top 5 Lessons Learned From Partnering, watch this video.

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